As part of the Purchase Product use case in the merchant context, the merchant triggers the Request Payment use case in the Simpay context. 作为在商业语境中购买产品用例的一部分,商业触发器支付请求使用Simpay语境中的例子。
Part of the purchase submission requires you to fill in your manager's name and email address. 订单提交部分要求填写经理的姓名和邮件地址。
In practice, you might get this data from a user via a Web form or a supplier as part of a purchase order or invoice. 在实践中,您可能通过Web表单从用户那里获得此数据,也可能通过从供应商的购买订单或发货单中获得此数据。
You use ThickBox to transform any page that's not part of the main purchase path from a regular page into a lightbox page. 使用ThickBox将不属于主购买路径的任何页面由常规页面转换为lightbox页面。
Controlled part of the purchase of raw materials, and constantly improve the processing technology. 把持原材料的购进环节,不断完善加工工艺。
The part of the financial markets that purchase and sell securities for money management purposes, rather than for underwriting purposes. 在金融市场上以资金管理而非包销为目标的一方。
Taiwanese rival Acer won control of Packard Bell as part of its planned$ 710m purchase of US PC producer Gateway. 联想的台湾竞争对手宏碁(Acer)出资7.1亿美元,收购美国个人电脑制造商Gateway,最终获得了PackardBell的控制权。
Inventory Model of Deteriorating Items with Stock-Out Partial Backlogging; turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase. 缺货量部分拖后订货的易变质物品的库存模型卖掉旧物作为购买新物的全部或部分货款。
These documents are part of the purchase order contractual agreements. 此类文件为采购订单合约协议的一部分。
The United States acquired the land from France as part of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. 美国在1803年的路易西安那购买案中,从法国手中取得了这一片土地。
The first part is a case of purchase of services. 第一部分为案例&上海市政府购买养老服务的探索实践。
Alabama was first explored by the Spanish, and the southern section was claimed by the United States as part of the Louisiana Purchase ( 1803). 亚拉巴马首先由西班牙人勘查,南部地区作为“路易斯安那购置”(1803年)的一部分被美国占领。
The manufacturing sector has been powering ahead in recent months, helped by efforts to restock lean inventories and a desire on the part of many companies to purchase new equipment to expand and modernize. 向前在最近月中,一直在靠动力行进按照为给在部分很多公司上瘦盘货和一渴望再补充所作的努力帮助制造业部分购买新设备膨胀和现代化。
Responsible for setting up and optimizing the plan for machine spare part, including purchase and control. 负责建立并优化机器备件计划(包括设备申购,控制)。
All middle and minor investors are reminded to take an active part in the purchase of new shares and notice the risks in investment. 提醒广大中小投资者,积极参与新股申购并注意投资风险。
Nothing in this agreement grants either party rights under the other party's patents, technical information or know-how, nor does anything in this letter gie rise to any obligation on the part of either party to supply or purchase materials or products. 本协议未向协议任何一方授予另一方所拥有的专利、技术信息或专有技术项下的权利,本函件中的任何内容也均未对任何一方构成供应或购买物料或产品的义务。
Mobile operators, who typically subsidise a part of the purchase price for phones, are another source of pricing pressure. 通常为手机购买价格提供部分补贴的移动运营商,是定价压力的另一个来源。
However, such ambitions are likely to be only one part of the motivation behind the purchase. 但是,上述雄心可能只是此次收购背后的动机之一。
Turn in as payment or part payment for a purchase. 卖掉旧物作为购买新物的全部或部分货款。
Power Market Pricing for Developing Countries, Part I: Next-day Pool Purchase Pricing and Operation with Deterministic Electricity Value Analysis 发展中国家电力市场的定价之一&确定型当量电价的次日上网定价和运作
Within the realm of this integrated framework, several key techniques are under discussion: the author looks into application techniques of Component Part Just-In-Time Purchase and Supply, Ex-works Parts Consolidation and Milk-run Transportation, Supervised Dispatching etc. 在该框架体系内,研究了几项物流运作关键技术:首先对零部件JIT采购及供应、零部件定常线集并运输、监控调度等技术进行了应用研究;
ERP has distinctly benefits on the part of control and analyses of purchase application, purchase quantity, purchase price and etc, evaluation of the purchase risk control and purchase performance and suppliers 'management. 在采购申请、采购数量、采购价格等的控制和分析上,对于采购风险的控制、采购绩效的评估、供应商的管理等方面,有十分明显的优势。
ERP system concentrates a mass of basic data and information share, on the part of purchase management, emphases the idea of "pre-plan, middle-control and after-analysis". ERP系统集成了大量的基础数据和信息共享,在采购管理方面,着重体现了事前计划、事中控制、事后分析的思想。
"The Third Part Purchase": A Way in Medical Market Reform and an Economic Analysis on It 第三方购买:医疗服务市场化改革的路径选择及其经济学分析
The choice of the supplier plays an important part in green purchase activities, and the environmental performance of the supplier has great influence on that of the buyer and the whole supply chain. 供应商的选择在绿色采购与供应管理中占有重要地位,供应商的环境表现最终也决定了采购者和整个供应链的环境表现。
There is often no good imported part purchase system. 但是,目前整车企业中进口零部件采购系统的建设往往不是很好。
Thirdly, this part introduces a new car purchase decision project case of a U.S.rental car company. 最后,本部分引入美国某租车公司购置新车项目决策的案例。
Translation of legal documents like the sales contracts plays an important part in the overseas real estate purchase and sales. 在海外房产销售过程中,销售合同这一法律文件的翻译有着极为重要的作用。
Part iv TV purchase and marketing problems of small and medium-sized cities in China and their causes are analyzed, and pointed out the existence of such as investors lack of confidence, goods delivery location are not allowed to issue. 第四部分对中国中小城市电视购营销存在的问题及原因进行了分析,指出了其存在的诸如投资者信心不足、商品投放定位不准等问题。
This part did the descriptive statistical analysis, and compared and summarized the information cognition, risk awareness, purchase intention, purchase behavior on individual respondents. Part ⅳ: The Empirical Model of Purchase Intention and Behavior to Safety Agri-food. 对被调查者的个体信息、认知情况、风险意识、购买意愿、购买行为等做描述性统计分析,并进行比较和概括。第四部分:安全农产品的购买意愿和购买行为实证模型分析。